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Frankincense 乳香 (Therapy grade)

RM 0.00

Frankincense 乳香 *精油之王**

學名:Boswellia carteri

萃取方式:樹脂 蒸餾

芳香氣味:綠色、樹脂、檸檬木頭般的氣味 (中後調)

主要產地: 索馬利亞


穩重的木質調香氣,能帶給人猶如走入殿堂般的神聖氛圍,安撫心靈使之平和,為宗教儀式中常見的焚香。 在肌膚保養上,乳香精油能夠賦予老化的肌膚新生命,具極佳的緊實、撫平皺紋之效,並可平衡油性肌、滋潤乾燥肌,為真正的抗老聖品!


護膚:美容聖品。 對於熟齡肌膚首選,鎮靜修補老化肌膚;刺激細胞活性和再生, 有回春的功效;可淡化疤痕、斑點、皺紋、妊娠紋、肥胖紋;調理乾燥、老化、暗沉的肌膚,改善油質皮膚 。




注意事項 Things to Know



All the products in our Store are handmade, and many products are not in stock and mostly based on Made-To-Order basis. The delivery lead time is within one week after receiving full payment. Since the containers & equipment for all products needs to be UV-sterilized and the production process is a little bit time-consuming, we would like to request for your patient.

If you experience redness, swelling, or other skin allergies when using our products, please stop using the product immediately, contact our staff, and consult a dermatologist. Avoid applying the product on open wounds or inflamed skin to make it more sensitive. Open wounds require special herbal creams or healing oils. Avoid direct sunlight and keep out of reach of babies and children.

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