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Golden Jojoba Oil 黃金荷荷巴油

RM 11.50

黃金荷荷巴油 Golden Jojoba Oil


學名 : Simmondsia Chinensis            INCI: Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil

萃取方法:     冷壓
萃取部位:     種籽
植物科屬:     黃楊科

產地 Country of Origin: 美國 / 法國 / 墨西哥 / 加州

荷荷芭油與一般的植物油、食用油完全不同。它是一種液態狀的蠟質油,這種獨特的液狀蠟是帶長鏈醇的不飽和脂肪酸鏈結而成的。它的成分組合近似抹香鯨油,分子結構的排列與人類皮脂非常相似,極易被皮膚類化吸收。而且的穩定性極高,儲存期限可長達數幾年之久,不論是在高溫下或是處於低溫時,它仍能保持不氧化、不腐敗及成分不流失,同時還具有抗菌、不受微生物威脅的特性。墨西哥、加州及亞馬逊的原住民們幾世紀以来便把荷荷芭油做為專門治療皮膚病的萬用仙丹。他們把它視為 “液态的黄金”。


特性功效    具有穩定皮表油脂層的特性,能夠長時間的保留皮膚細胞水份,深層滋養及軟化肌膚,對痤瘡、曬傷、牛皮癬、尿布疹、濕疹、過敏、搔癢及神經性皮炎有治療和預防的功效;能夠減淡皺紋、延緩老化、軟化角質、修護因季節轉換造成的皮膚敏感或搔癢,更增加皮膚的彈性,柔嫩感及亮麗膚色。其超強的類化和吸收作用,可以控制及平衡皮脂分泌,防止皮脂增生;其抗炎、抗菌的作用,能夠修護傷口,改善關節炎、痛風和風濕病的症狀;可以清除皮屑,溶去多餘皮脂,暢通毛孔,刺激毛髮生長,促進頭皮健康,幫助髮質恢復柔軟、順滑和光澤 ;有極高的穩定性,能耐高溫和延展性超強的特質。

適用範圍    幾乎對所有類型的肌膚都有益處,特別是對濕疹、牛皮癬、發炎、乾燥及混合性的膚質,都有良好的治療、舒緩和改善作用。也可用於改善脫髮、易斷、分岔、粗糙、電髮及日曬後的乾枯,幫助頭髮生長,增強髮質的堅韌性、柔軟度及光澤。

使用方法    建議混合其的植物油一起使用,稀釋比率為 10%~50%。

1. 不建議單獨使用!
2. 攝氏7ºC以下會凝結呈臘狀,但不會影響其的療效。
3. 孕婦或重病患者在使用前,請先咨詢專業芳療師或醫生的意見。
4. 根據國際標準,適用於所有芳香療法的植物油均由低溫提取,並符合治療等級。

荷荷芭油调配 DIY 建議

1. 身體按摩:10ml 荷荷芭油基礎油+3-5滴德國洋甘菊精油,舒缓放鬆,改善粗糙肌膚。

2. 面部按摩:10ml 荷荷芭油基礎油+3-5滴柠檬精油,调理油性肌膚。

3. 滋養髮絲:10ml 荷荷芭油基礎油+3-5滴薰衣草精油,適用於受損髮質。

Jojoba Oil (About this sound listen) is the liquid produced in the seed of the Simmondsia chinensis (Jojoba) plant, a shrub, which is native to southern Arizona, southern California, and northwestern Mexico. The oil makes up approximately 50% of the jojoba seed by weight. The terms "jojoba oil" and "jojoba wax" are often used interchangeably because the wax visually appears to be a mobile oil, but as a wax it is composed almost entirely (~97%) of mono-esters of long-chain fatty acids and alcohols, accompanied by only a tiny fraction of triglyceride esters. This composition accounts for its extreme shelf-life stability and extraordinary resistance to high temperatures, compared with true vegetable oils.

Unrefined jojoba oil appears as a clear golden liquid at room temperature with a slightly nutty odor. Refined jojoba oil is colorless and odorless. The melting point of jojoba oil is approximately 10 °C and the iodine value is approximately 80. Jojoba oil is relatively shelf-stable when compared with other vegetable oils mainly because it contains few triglycerides, unlike most other vegetable oils such as grape seed oil and coconut oil. It has an oxidative stability index of approximately 60, which means that it is more shelf-stable than safflower oil, canola oil, almond oil or squalene but less than castor oil and coconut oil.

Here are some recommended uses:

1. Face Moisturizer
Apply four to six drops in the morning and at night before bed.

2. Hair Moisturizer
Add three to five drops to your conditioner or apply one to two drops to damp hair after showering.

3. Remove Wrinkles
Use one to three drops of jojoba oil and apply it to wrinkled areas, then rub it into your skin in a circular motion until it’s absorbed.

4. Makeup Removal
Add three to five drops of jojoba oil to a cotton ball or pad and wipe off makeup.

5. Lip Balm
Apply one to two drops of jojoba oil to your lips whenever needed.

6. Fight Infections
Add one to three drops of jojoba oil to the infected or irritated area twice daily.

注意事項 Things to Know



All the products in our Store are handmade, and many products are not in stock and mostly based on Made-To-Order basis. The delivery lead time is within one week after receiving full payment. Since the containers & equipment for all products needs to be UV-sterilized and the production process is a little bit time-consuming, we would like to request for your patient.

If you experience redness, swelling, or other skin allergies when using our products, please stop using the product immediately, contact our staff, and consult a dermatologist. Avoid applying the product on open wounds or inflamed skin to make it more sensitive. Open wounds require special herbal creams or healing oils. Avoid direct sunlight and keep out of reach of babies and children.

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