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Hydrolyzed Silk Protein 水解蠶絲蛋白液

RM 2.76

水解蠶絲蛋白液 Hydrolyzed Silk Protein

蠶絲蛋白(Fibroin;シルクタンパク )又名:絲素蛋白。絲素蛋白,是從蠶絲中提取的天然高分子纖維蛋白,含量約占蠶絲的70%~80%,含有18種氨基酸,其中甘氨酸(gly)、丙氨酸(ala)和絲氨酸(ser)約占總組成的80%以上。


從蠶(繭)的繭中的天然蠶絲(纖維,纖維蛋白)獲得的天然蛋白質。 具有出色的水份黏合性和絲般柔滑的手感。天然蠶絲的水解液,有很好的滲透性、吸水性與保濕性,能增強皮膚彈性、抑制酪氨酸酶的活性,多用於具有延緩老化功效的保養品,或修補受損髮絲。 


  1. 用於頭髮護理上,可為頭髮增添亮麗光澤和梳理性。護髮、柔亮秀髮 - 且蠶絲蛋白的親水性佳,當加進洗髮精、潤髮、護髮產品中時就可以修補髮絲受損部位,補充足夠的養分,並清潔、保護頭皮不受到細菌的侵害,恢復髮絲的光澤!
  2. 用於皮膚護理上,其高水分結合能力可為皮膚提供保護屏障。抗老化 - 促進肌膚細胞新陳代謝的作用,因此不但能加速老廢角質的代謝,還能促進排毒,養成健康白嫩,恢復嬰兒般的肌膚!

產地: 美國

成分: 蠶絲 10-12%

水溶性。 建議添加用量:0.5 - 10%。

Hydrolyzed Silk Protein

Natural silk protein obtained from natural silk noils (fibers, fibroin) from the cocoon of the silk worm (bombyx mori), raw silk and other natural sources. It is a vital ingredient for anti-aging, reducing wrinkles, hydrating the scalp and rejuvenating skin which is one of the main reasons why silk peptides are used in so many beauty products.

Active components in this protein include amino acids along with oligopeptides which are extracted during hydrolysis of silk proteins. It has excellent moisture binding properties & silky smooth feel. Gluten-free and non-GMO. Clear, amber liquid, characteristic, mild odor. Preserved with benzylalcohol, sodium benzoate, and potassium sorbate. Protein content about 10-12%. pH 4.0-6.0. Water soluble. 

Country of Origin: USA

Effects of Silk Protein

Silk protein is used in hair care products since it is:

  1. Highly absorbent
  2. Rejuvenates skin and makes it supple
  3. Improves metabolism of the epidermis
  4. Activates skin regeneration
  5. Restores damaged hair
  6. Shields hair from damaging elements
注意事項 Things to Know



All the products in our Store are handmade, and many products are not in stock and mostly based on Made-To-Order basis. The delivery lead time is within one week after receiving full payment. Since the containers & equipment for all products needs to be UV-sterilized and the production process is a little bit time-consuming, we would like to request for your patient.

If you experience redness, swelling, or other skin allergies when using our products, please stop using the product immediately, contact our staff, and consult a dermatologist. Avoid applying the product on open wounds or inflamed skin to make it more sensitive. Open wounds require special herbal creams or healing oils. Avoid direct sunlight and keep out of reach of babies and children.

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