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Wheatgerm Oil 小麥胚芽油

RM 2.76

人類天然的營養寶庫 - 小麥胚芽油

學名:Triticum vulgare





小麦胚芽油是以小麦芽为原料制取的一种谷物胚芽油,它集中了小麦的营养精华,富含维生素E、亚油酸、亚麻酸、甘八碳醇及多种生理活性组分,是宝贵的功能食品,具有很高的营养价值。特别是维生素E含量为植物油之冠,已被公认为一种颇具营养保健作用的功能性油脂。具有调节内分泌,减肥、防止色斑、黑斑及色素沉着; 抗氧化作用,减少过氧化脂质生成,促进皮肤保湿功能,使皮肤润泽,延缓衰老;促进新陈代谢和皮肤更新,抗皱、防皱、防皮肤老化、消除疤痕;调解血脂,软化血管,预防动脉硬化、高血压、中风的作用。


1)10ml 小麦胚芽油+ 2-5 滴 薰衣草/天竺葵/迷迭香-适用于中性肌肤
2)10ml 小麦胚芽油+ 2-5 滴 薰衣草/天竺葵/佛手柑/柠檬-适用于油性肌肤
3)10ml 小麦胚芽油+ 2-5 滴 薰衣草/天竺葵/依兰-适用于干性肌肤
4)10ml 小麦胚芽油+ 2-5 滴 薰衣草/玫瑰/茉莉/橙花/洋柑橘-适用于敏感肌肤

1)10ml 小麦胚芽油+ 2-5 滴 尤加利/薰衣草/迷迭香/罗勒/薄荷-治疗风湿性关节炎
2)10ml 小麦胚芽油+ 2-5 滴 薰衣草/天竺葵/佛手柑/柠檬-治疗静脉曲张
3)10ml 小麦胚芽油+ 2-5 滴 迷迭香/薄荷/鼠尾草/松树-放松肌肉
4)10ml 小麦胚芽油+ 2-5 滴 薰衣草/洋甘菊/玫瑰/茉莉/橙花-舒解精神
5)10ml 小麦胚芽油+ 2-5 滴 薰衣草/迷迭香/柠檬/葡萄柚/天竺葵-减肥

头发保养:5ml 小麦胚芽油+ 3-4 滴 薰衣草/天竺葵-适用于受损发质

Wheat Germ Oil is derived from the germ of the wheat berry, which is the nutrient-dense core that feeds the plant as it grows. This also means that the majority of usable chemicals and compounds are found in this germ. Since oil makes up roughly 10-14% of the wheat germ, which is an agricultural byproduct, so extract processes like pressing and solvent extraction are used. The more refined wheat germ oil is, the fewer usable nutrients it contains for human health. The uses of wheat germ oil are in culinary applications, but generally, this specialty oil is used for medicinal and therapeutic purposes. The many benefits of this oil come from the rich supply of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids it contains, as well as vitamins A, E, B, and D and other volatile compounds and antioxidants. However, it is important to note that wheat germ oil has approximately 8 times more omega-6 (linoleic acid) fatty acids than omega-3 (gamma-linolenic) fatty acids, which is far from the ideal 1:1 ratio of these fats.

Benefits & Uses of Wheat Germ Oil

1. Hair Care
As mentioned, this oil is a rich source of omega-6 fatty acid, also known as linoleic acid, which is known to be nourishing for the hair. When massaged into the scalp (in a diluted form) or mixed into shampoos and conditioners (10:1 ratio is a proper dilution), this oil can help the appearance and strength of your hair, and even prevent premature hair loss and dandruff.

2. Eliminates Skin Inflammation
Applying wheat germ oil to the inflamed or irritated skin has been a popular practice for generations. Due to the high levels of tocopherols (such as vitamin E) in this oil, it is able to nourish the skin and stimulate blood flow to speed healing, which can also eliminate inflammation and any swelling in the affected areas. This makes the oil an effective remedy for psoriasis, eczema, and various other common skin conditions.

3. Prevents Aging
The antioxidant effects of wheat germ oil are well known, not only for the skin, but also for the rest of the body. Applying wheat germ oil to the skin can help reduce [8] oxidative stress, minimize the appearance of wrinkles and scars, and increase collagen formation between new cells. Internally, this oil can also seek out and neutralize free radicals, effectively lowering your risk of developing chronic disease.

Wheat germ oil helps in providing you with a healthy skin as it prevents many skin problems like psoriasis, eczema, and dry skin. You can apply it topically – it will soothe and repair your skin. It contains vitamin E oil, which is considered to be very good for the skin

注意事項 Things to Know



All the products in our Store are handmade, and many products are not in stock and mostly based on Made-To-Order basis. The delivery lead time is within one week after receiving full payment. Since the containers & equipment for all products needs to be UV-sterilized and the production process is a little bit time-consuming, we would like to request for your patient.

If you experience redness, swelling, or other skin allergies when using our products, please stop using the product immediately, contact our staff, and consult a dermatologist. Avoid applying the product on open wounds or inflamed skin to make it more sensitive. Open wounds require special herbal creams or healing oils. Avoid direct sunlight and keep out of reach of babies and children.

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