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Online Master Skincare (Extra Bonus) 線上高階保養品 (加強版)

RM 75.00

Online Master Skincare (Extra Bonus) 線上高階保養品 (加強版)



化妝與保養是讓肌膚處於最佳狀態的關鍵,所以現今社會不管是男性或者女性都會追求 [ 天然就是美 ] 。一些專櫃保養品系列,極致再生抗衰老修護臉部保養品,多款精華液、乳霜 、化妝水、面膜、眼周保養,能煥活肌膚,注入活力,都會成為大家日常皮膚保養產品。



國外生全部以 PAYPAL 匯款 RM 1388.00 / USD 360 (請 PM 詢問 PAYPAL 匯款帳號), 馬來西亞學生一律包材料包 (東馬學生必須選擇東馬選項會多加 RM30 運費)

國外生無法寄送材料包, 請在上課日之前自行購買所有需要的材料與工具

時間: 4 天共 12 小時 (時間長,學生必須鏡頭下現場操作)

* 一份整整 100多頁高階保養品手作 手冊/講義 + 配方與作法提供 (PDF),打印課本可以另外加購

保養品理論簡介:材料介紹,比例說明,皮膚適合度講解,如何更換配方裡的某些材料,各種油脂,精油的配搭 (如有用到精油)

* 4 天共 12 小時 線上課程 (會使用 Online Meeting Apps 完成課程)
* 可以一對一 (最多 4 個人滿一班), 所有上課時間提前預約
* 西馬材料包免郵; 東馬材料包寄送需要補 RM30.00, 國外學生沒有包括材料包

** 學生自備燒杯 (250ml / 100ml / 50ml), 攪拌棒, 電子秤, 迷你小電動攪拌器, 小刮刀, 小長柄匙, 75% 消毒酒精, 抹布, 熱爐

Protect and nourish the skin, protect/reduce the skin from natural irritation, prevent chemical substances, metal ions, etc. from damaging the skin, prevent excessive loss of skin moisture, promote blood circulation, and enhance skin metabolism.

Good skin care is important for the following reasons: It helps your skin stay in good condition: You're shedding skin cells throughout the day, so it's important to keep your skin glowing and in good condition. An effective routine can help prevent acne, treat wrinkles, and help keep your skin looking its best. 

Your skincare routine is key here, as by regularly exfoliating and moisturizing, you will get rid of any old and dead cells that can make your skin look dull. Proper skin care is important because our skin is the largest barrier against infection that we have. Keeping our skin healthy and moist helps keep this at the best we are. Good skin care is essential to graceful aging. Let's explore how we can DIY our own skincare products to establish the healthier skin.

Duration: 4 days 10 - 12 hours (Use of Online Meeting Apps, student to complete all hands-on with video ON)

* Inclusive of Advanced Skincare E-notes, Aroma DIY hands-on recipe
* We allowed one to one session (Max 4 Pax per class, unless is pre-recorded class), all class schedule has to be done earlier for appointment

* For WM postage is inclusive; EM postage to top up RM30.00 and no Hands-on Kit for overseas students.

** Student to prepare own beakers (250ml / 100ml / 50ml), steering rod, digital weighting scale, mini mixer, small spatula, small spoon, 75% alcohol, cleaning clothes, hot plate

課程內容 Master class syllabus:-

DAY 1 (3.0hrs)

  1. 保養品的認識 An Overview of Skincare
  2. 保養品的歷史和發展 History and Evolvement of Skincare
  3. 皮膚的認識 Anatomy of the Skin
  4. 老化肌膚的保養 Anti-Ageing Skincare Products
  5. 防曬的原理 After Sun Treatment Products
  6. DIY 常用工具介紹 Tools required for Skincare making
  7. 清潔與保養的區分 What is Cleansing vs Skincare
  8. 清潔品 : 起泡劑的使用介紹 (表面活性劑) Types of surfactants
  9. 潔顏和卸妝品配方與製作 Cleansing & Makeup Remover ( 4 recipes )

DAY 2 (3.0hrs)

  1. 保養品的精華 (原材料分析) : 
    • 深入解剖萃取液的使用介紹 + 3 種植物萃取法 Usage of Plant Extracts and 3 methods of extraction
    • 深入解剖純露與皮膚的關係 Usage of Hydrosol for our skin
    • 深入解剖油脂與皮膚的關係 Usage of Carrier oils for our skin
    • 保養品精油的使用 Overview of Essential Oils for skincare 
    • 油脂蠟,穩定劑,滋潤劑 Butters and Waxes, Stabilizers and Humectants
    • 其他添加物的使用介紹 Usage of Others Skincare/Cosmetic Ingredients
  2. 抗菌劑是甚麼? What is Preservative
  3. 產品包裝和保存 Best Production Practices
  4. 1% 玻尿酸原液準備 Preparation of 1% HA Solution

DAY 3 & DAY 4 (3.0hrs each)

  1. 芳療保養品調配, 做法 + 用法  Aroma Skincare Recipe, Making and Usage
  2. 產品配方設計與調整 Formulas and Recipes for Skincare
  3. 芳療保養品手作操作程序 Theory into practice - Hands-on Session
  4. 曬後修復水 Treatment Toner ( 1 recipe )
  5. 乳液乳霜油霜配方與製作 Lotion, Cream and Butter ( 7 recipes )
  6. 精華液配方與製作 Oil, Water and Mixed Serum (3 recipes )
  7. 磨砂和膜的配方與製作 Scrub and Mask ( 8 recipes )
注意事項 Things to Know



All the products in our Store are handmade, and many products are not in stock and mostly based on Made-To-Order basis. The delivery lead time is within one week after receiving full payment. Since the containers & equipment for all products needs to be UV-sterilized and the production process is a little bit time-consuming, we would like to request for your patient.

If you experience redness, swelling, or other skin allergies when using our products, please stop using the product immediately, contact our staff, and consult a dermatologist. Avoid applying the product on open wounds or inflamed skin to make it more sensitive. Open wounds require special herbal creams or healing oils. Avoid direct sunlight and keep out of reach of babies and children.

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