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Evening Primrose Oil 月見草油

RM 19.55

月見草油 Evening Primrose Oil

婦女聖品, 女性保養油

學名 Scientific name: Oenothera biennis

產地 Country of Origin: Mexico, North America and Europe, specifically England




月見草種子含有豐富的必需脂肪酸「次亞麻油酸」,在結構上分析是屬於特殊的 omega-6 系列必須脂肪酸,不同於一般植物油、大豆油、葵花油中所含的 omega-6 亞麻油酸,因此在體內扮演著許多重要的角色。然而人體並不能自行製造 GLA,因此必須從食物中攝取,月見草油含豐富的 GLA (大豆油、葵花油並不含 GLA),自然而然就成為一項熱門的營養補充品。


飽受經前症候群和更年期障礙困擾的女性族群,在營養需求上會有特別的的需要。月見草油能提供營養與健康上的利益,供給女性各種不同的年齡的需求。 GLA 扮演著前列腺素(prostaglandins / PG)先驅物的角色,產生類似荷爾蒙的物質,協助調節荷爾蒙平衡,以舒解經前症候群與更年期障礙。

月見草油所含的 GLA 對人體最明顯的功用,莫過於維持細胞膜的健康,並使細胞保留較多的水分。因此對於舒緩濕疹、皮膚乾燥發癢、改善皮膚異常症狀、維護健全的皮膚、預防掉髮及指甲的健康有很大的幫助。判斷 GLA 攝取是否足夠的一個指標,就是皮膚乾燥的程度:皮膚越乾燥、越容易發癢,表示 GLA 缺的越厲害。

另外, GLA 在經過人體生理轉換之後,會轉變成為荷爾蒙的前趨物質,也就是被稱為「好前列腺素」的 prostaglandin E1 (PGE1)。PGE1 能幫助降低血壓、血膽固醇及預防血小板的不正常聚集,並能刺激免疫系統的 T 細胞,以維持免疫細胞的正常運作。在人體組織發炎時,能顯著減少前列腺素 E2(PGE2)的分泌量,進而緩解各種人體因為分泌 PGE2 所引發的過敏、發炎、發燒,以及氣管收縮等反應。近年來 GLA 抗發炎的功效,尤其是應用於減輕風濕性關節炎方面,在一些實驗中已獲得有效的證明。

嘿嘿,眼睛為之一亮是吧?沒錯,月見草油中的 GLA 成分所合成出來的前列腺素,可以刺激棕色脂肪組織,藉由粒腺體產生能量消耗、降低脂肪堆積。不過值得注意的是:月見草油的減肥功效,僅限於新陳代謝失調(例如經前症候群、更年期障礙)的肥胖較有具體效果。

月見草油中的 GLA 成分,可提供攝護腺正常分泌的前列腺素,以調節生理機能。因此對於維護攝護腺健康,會有些許的幫助。

月見草油中的 GLA 成分,可直接提供人體所需的必須脂肪酸。在飲食中補充月見草油,可協助糖尿病患者控制一些併發症的發生,尤其是神經病變、視網膜病變、心血管病變。

Evening primrose is a small plant that produces dainty yellow flowers during the spring and summer seasons.

Evening primrose oil is extracted by pressing the seeds of this plant. This oil is known for its labor-inducing effects as well as relieving PMS symptoms like breast pain, headache, bloating, acne, etc.

It is also widely used in the cosmetic industry as one of the main ingredients in soaps and shampoos.

Color, Smell, And Texture: The oil is a beautiful golden yellow and has a slightly nutty scent. It has a thick consistency that is absorbed into the skin very slowly.

Shelf Life: The general shelf life of this oil is 6 months, but it lasts longer if refrigerated.

What Are Its Health & Skin Care Benefits?
From regulating your mood swings to controlling your blood sugar levels, the benefits of evening primrose oil are plenty. Read below to know more.
1. Helps Treat PMS And Menopausal Symptoms
Women have been taking primrose oil to treat their hormonal imbalance since years, and all for a good reason.

2. Induces Labor
There are several natural ways to induce labor if you are past your due date. One of the best ways is to use evening primrose oil.

3. Improves Fertility
Evening primrose oil can be used to increase fertility in women naturally.
Evening primrose oil increases the quality of cervical mucus, making it a very fertile ground for the sperm. This facilitates the free movement of the sperm through the cervix.
When a woman does not produce enough cervical mucus or fluid, the motility of the sperm is restricted, and this decreases the chances of conception.

4. Controls Diabetes
Evening primrose oil helps people with diabetes by preventing its common symptoms and complications.
The GLA in the oil helps relieve nerve pain and prevent nerve damage by reducing the numbness and tingling that is experienced by diabetic patients.

5. Helps Manage Osteoporosis
Consuming evening primrose oil regularly helps to reduce the risk of fractures in patients suffering from osteoporosis. This oil improves the bone mineral density and makes your bones stronger and healthier.

6. Heals eczema
Eczema is a skin condition characterized by dry, rough and inflamed patches of skin. It can be extremely itchy and uncomfortable. Unfortunately the cause of eczema is still unknown and modern medicine does not offer a cure.
Evening primrose oil has actually been found to be helpful in treating and healing eczema.

7. Treats acne
Evening primrose oil is renowned for treating hormonal acne and reducing acne flare-ups. Taking primrose oil helps to tackle the root cause of hormonal acne, which is hormonal imbalance.

8. Fights hair loss
Taken internally, evening primrose oil can supply your body with omega-6 fatty acids, which are often lacking in the diets of those suffering from hair loss.

9. Moisturizes
If you are looking for a good moisturizer with a low comedogenic rating, evening primrose oil is a great choice. Not only does it smell breath-taking, but it also nourishes your skin with essential fatty acids. The oil leaves your skin feeling supple and youthful.

10. Reduces redness
Evening primrose oil is very effective at reducing redness on the skin, from the inside out. Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce inflammation, swelling and soreness on the skin. This helps to reduce redness, itching, rashes and hives, which may be brought about due to eczema, psoriasis or other skin conditions.

11. Lightens skin
If you are looking to lighten your skin naturally, evening primrose oil is one remedy you definitely should consider. Unlike other oils such as coconut oil, evening primrose oil does not have a reputation of tanning skin or darkening the skin.
Hyper-pigmentation usually occurs on the face, neck and other areas such as elbows and knees. The toning qualities in evening primrose oil can help to even out the skin tone and reduce hyper-pigmentation.

12. Anti-aging properties
One of the best oils for anti-aging is evening primrose oil. It has ultra-moisturizing qualities that can help keep the skin supple, smooth and soft. It also has vitamins and other nutrients that help maintain the normal function of skin to prevent premature aging.
Evening primrose oil also has strong antioxidant properties that help prevent free radical damage on the skin, which in turn helps prevent the formation of wrinkles and fine lines.

注意事項 Things to Know



All the products in our Store are handmade, and many products are not in stock and mostly based on Made-To-Order basis. The delivery lead time is within one week after receiving full payment. Since the containers & equipment for all products needs to be UV-sterilized and the production process is a little bit time-consuming, we would like to request for your patient.

If you experience redness, swelling, or other skin allergies when using our products, please stop using the product immediately, contact our staff, and consult a dermatologist. Avoid applying the product on open wounds or inflamed skin to make it more sensitive. Open wounds require special herbal creams or healing oils. Avoid direct sunlight and keep out of reach of babies and children.

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