Cleansing Micellar Water 卸妝潔膚水
Cleansing Micellar Water 卸妝潔膚水
在日常的護膚程序中,"卸妝水" 和 "化妝水" 都是不可缺少的步驟,有沒有想過其實兩者可以二合為一?其實在早年由法國女生帶起的 Micellar Water 就是我們要尋找的產品!讓您在卸妝的同時也可以保護您的肌膚。
所謂的 Micellar Water 其實是綜合了卸妝、清潔和護膚多種功能的護膚水。Micellar Water 的配方中通常都會由淨化水、保濕成分和低濃度的表面活性劑所組成,細小的水分子可以深入毛孔,有著強勁的清潔力,可以把皮膚上的污垢、油脂、化妝品殘餘物統統清除掉,又可以令到皮膚擁有一定的保濕程度。
Micellar Water 尤其對暗瘡肌女生更有用,因為可以避免毛孔阻塞而又不會令皮膚變得乾燥。換言而之,擁有一支 Micellar Water 在家就是最聰明的護膚哲學了!溫和的 Micellar Water 輕透清爽卸妝水,無需沖洗,一抹祛除污垢和溶解防水彩妝,能喚醒和舒緩肌膚,同時深層潔淨。這款護膚產品,只需輕輕一抹就能卸去防水型的彩妝。 將棉球或化妝棉以這個產品浸濕,就能開始卸掉臉上需要清潔的部位了。
In our daily skin care routines, "make-up remover" and "facial toner" are both indispensable steps. Have you ever thought that these two can be combined into one? Micellar originates from France, with its usage in skincare dating back to 1913.
Micellar water is a multipurpose skin care product that has become a favorite among beauty gurus and dermatologists alike. It’s made using purified water, moisturizers like glycerin, and mild surfactants, which are compounds used for cleansing.
The molecules of these mild surfactants join to form micelles, a type of spherical chemical structure that helps pull dirt and oil from the skin.
Micellar water can help remove dirt and oil, which may help prevent blocked pores and pimples to keep skin clear. Micellar water is not only gentle but also highly effective at removing dirt, makeup, and oil to help clear out your pores while toning the skin.
It’s free of alcohol and may help promote skin hydration while reducing irritation and inflammation, keeping your skin soft, supple, and smooth. As a cleanser: To use micellar water, you simply pour it into a cotton pad and rub it over your face, like a toner. Then, just carry on with your skincare routine as normal—no need to rinse afterward.
注意事項 Things to Know 本館所有產品乃手工製作,很多產品都沒有現貨,發貨時間為收到匯款後一個星期內製作。由於所有產品的器材需要經過紫外線消毒,製作過程稍微耗時,請耐心等候。 使用本館產品時如果出現發紅、腫脹或其它皮膚過敏情況,請立即停止使用產品,聯絡本館的工作人員並諮詢皮膚科醫生。避免在開放性傷口或發炎的皮膚上塗抹產品易致敏感處更加嚴重。開放性傷口需要特別的藥草膏或者修復油治療。避免陽光直射,並保存在嬰兒以及兒童接觸不到的地方。 All the products in our Store are handmade, and many products are not in stock and mostly based on Made-To-Order basis. The delivery lead time is within one week after receiving full payment. Since the containers & equipment for all products needs to be UV-sterilized and the production process is a little bit time-consuming, we would like to request for your patient. If you experience redness, swelling, or other skin allergies when using our products, please stop using the product immediately, contact our staff, and consult a dermatologist. Avoid applying the product on open wounds or inflamed skin to make it more sensitive. Open wounds require special herbal creams or healing oils. Avoid direct sunlight and keep out of reach of babies and children. |
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