Cold Mask 凍膜
晚安凍膜, 100g
凍膜 - 凍狀式的零油脂膠體觸感輕盈,而且密閉加壓效果也比較好,能完整包覆各種臉型而且沒有空隙,是服貼度最高的膜類產品。
薄敷法: 基本皮膚清理後塗上精華液,取適量凍膜均勻塗抹在臉上形成薄薄的保護膜,當晚安凍膜使用即可。此法形成的鎖水層,還可以阻隔整晚睡在冷氣房所帶來的皮膚表層水分流失喔!
厚敷法: 本皮膚清理後,取厚厚的適量凍膜均勻塗抹於臉上,靜待15~20分鐘後沖洗乾淨然後敷上臉部保養品。但是若為粉刺型肌膚的話,長時間厚敷有可能會造成粉刺的增加,所以在使用上需要稍微注意一下喔!建議厚敷護理一週使用2~3次
功效 : 在於隔絕皮膚與空氣的接觸,鎖住水分,保持肌膚濕度,軟化角質等
主要成分 : 高分子, 冰晶, 蘆薈膠, 植物性甘油, 各種植物萃取, 凝膠
NO | 凍膜 | 水相 (純露) | 添加物 |
1. | 晚安凍膜 | 有機絲瓜水 | 藍銅胜肽 + 各種保濕修復植物萃取 |
2. | 美白淡斑凍膜 | 玫瑰純露 | 高效美白萃取 + 各種保濕美白植物萃取 |
3. | 玫瑰保濕凍膜 | 金縷梅純露 | 九胜肽 + 各種保濕植物萃取 |
4. | 黃金抗老凍膜 | 洋甘菊純露 | Vitamin B5,金箔 + 各種保濕抗老植物萃取 |
5. | 舒緩修復凍膜 | 薰衣草純露 | 金縷梅萃取 + 各種保濕修復植物萃取 |
6. | 怯痘抗敏控油凍膜 | 茶樹純露 + 有機絲瓜水 | 小黃瓜萃取 + 各種保濕抗敏植物萃取 |
7. | 竹炭黑凍膜 | 茶樹純露 | 竹炭粉,蠶絲蛋白原液 + 各種保濕修復植物萃取 |
8. | 海洋活力凍膜 | 薰衣草純露 + 白茶玫瑰純露 | Q10,膠原海藻原液,Vitamin B3 |
注意事項: 若是敏感的肌膚,擦上凍膜感到刺痛,就要立即用清水洗掉,千萬別敷到隔天,導致更嚴重的過敏紅腫現象。
Sleeping Cold Mask, 100g
From the report, many Asian women like to apply "mask" products for facial skin care & treatment. There are many types of face mask products in the market, but do you know how to apply different type of masks? There are gel-based masks, sheet-based masks, and clay-based/mud-based masks. But when and which mask should we apply?
Gel-Based Cold Mask - This is a type of cooling hydration mask for tired skin is light, deep touch and has a better sealing and pressurizing effect into our skin. It can completely cover various face shapes and has no gaps. It is the film product with the highest soothing.
Thin application method: After the basic skin cleansing, apply the serum, take a small amount of Gel-Based Cold Mask and apply it evenly on the face to form a thin protective film, and you may go to bed and leave the mask overnight. The water-locking layer formed by this method can also prevent the skin surface moisture loss caused by sleeping under air-conditioned room all night!
Thick compress method: After cleansing the skin, apply a thick and appropriate amount of Gel-Based Cold Mask evenly on the face, let it sit for 15-20 minutes, rinse it off, and apply facial skin care products such as Face Cream, Lotion, or Serum. However, if you have acne-type skin, Thick Layer Application may cause the acne growth more, so you need to pay a little attention when using it! It is recommended to use 2~3 times a week for thick compress method.
Functions & How to apply: To isolate skin and air connection Locking the water, keep the skin moisture, softening the skin
Main Ingredients: High Polymer Agent, Soothing Gel, Aloe Vera Gel, Glycerin, Assorted Plant Extracts, Gelling Agent
Various Cold Mask Add-On Ingredients:
NO | Cold Mask | Water Based (Hydrosol) | Add-On |
1. | Sleeping Cold Mask | Loofah Water | Blue Copper Peptide + Multi Plant Extract for Moisturizing & Treatment |
2. | Whitening Cold Mask | Rose Hydrosol | High-intensive Whitening Extract + Multi Plant Extract for Moisturizing |
3. | Rose Moisturizing Cold Mask | Witch Hazel Hydrosol | Nonapeptide + Multi Plant Extract for Moisturizing |
4. | Anti-Ageing Golden Cold Mask | Chamomile Hydrosol | Vitamin B5,Gold-Foil + Multi Plant Extract for Moisturizing & Antioxidant |
5. | Calming Reparative Cold Mask | Lavender Hydrosol | Multi Plant Extract for Moisturizing & Calming |
6. | Anti-Acne Oil Control Cold Mask | Tea Tree Hydrosol + Loofah Water | Cucumber Extract + Multi Plant Extract for Moisturizing & Anti-allergic |
7. | Charcoal Cold Mask | Tea Tree Hydrosol | Charcoal Powder,Silk Protein Solution + Multi Plant Extract for Moisturizing |
8. | Oceanic Cold Mask | Lavendar Hydrosol + White Rose Hydrosol | Q10,Collagen Seaweed Extract,Vitamin B3 |
Precaution: If you have sensitive skin and feel irritation after applying the Cold Mask, wash it off with water immediately. Do not apply and leave it until next day, which may cause more serious allergic redness and swelling.
注意事項 Things to Know 本館所有產品乃手工製作,很多產品都沒有現貨,發貨時間為收到匯款後一個星期內製作。由於所有產品的器材需要經過紫外線消毒,製作過程稍微耗時,請耐心等候。 使用本館產品時如果出現發紅、腫脹或其它皮膚過敏情況,請立即停止使用產品,聯絡本館的工作人員並諮詢皮膚科醫生。避免在開放性傷口或發炎的皮膚上塗抹產品易致敏感處更加嚴重。開放性傷口需要特別的藥草膏或者修復油治療。避免陽光直射,並保存在嬰兒以及兒童接觸不到的地方。 All the products in our Store are handmade, and many products are not in stock and mostly based on Made-To-Order basis. The delivery lead time is within one week after receiving full payment. Since the containers & equipment for all products needs to be UV-sterilized and the production process is a little bit time-consuming, we would like to request for your patient. If you experience redness, swelling, or other skin allergies when using our products, please stop using the product immediately, contact our staff, and consult a dermatologist. Avoid applying the product on open wounds or inflamed skin to make it more sensitive. Open wounds require special herbal creams or healing oils. Avoid direct sunlight and keep out of reach of babies and children. |
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