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Moisture Natural Lip Balm 滋潤保濕護唇膏系列, 5g

RM 3.45

現在的上班族, 每天都要在空調房裡呆上8~9個小時, 如果在冷氣房中待太長時間, 就有可能讓口唇以及肌膚出現缺水, 皮膚受到傷害。建議您使用此護唇膏來修復乾裂改善乾燥嘴唇、高保濕性深層滋養潤澤唇部。使雙唇柔嫩有彈性。

Moisture Lip Balm Series ~ 

1) 小麥胚芽滋潤護唇膏 Wheatgerm Natural Lip Balm

成分: 精製乳油木果脂, 小麥胚芽油, 妝品級甜杏仁油, 黃金荷荷芭油, Vitamin E, 特級白蜜臘,桂花花臘,玫瑰天竺葵精油

功效: 修复乾裂改善干燥嘴唇、高保濕性深層滋養潤澤唇部、使雙唇柔嫩有彈性

適合群 : 適合所有階層一般使用


Ingredient: Shea Butter, Wheatgerm Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Golden Jojoba Oil, Vitamin E, Osmanthus Wax, White Bee Wax 

Essential Oil: Rose Geranium

Rich in Vitamin E, Help for Repair chapped and improve dry lips, highly moisture and soften your lips. For External Use Only

2) 酪梨保濕防曬護唇膏 Avocado Camellia Natural Lip Balm

成分: 精製乳油木果脂, 精製酪梨油, 妝品級甜杏仁油, 日本山茶花油, Vitamin E, 特級白蜜蠟,茉莉花臘,甜橙 / 薰衣草精油

功效: 修复乾裂改善干燥嘴唇、高保濕性深層滋養潤澤唇部、使雙唇柔嫩有彈性; 酪梨油有防曬功效

適合群 : 適合所有階層, 以達到輕微的防曬功效


Ingredient: Shea Butter, Avocado Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Camellia Oil, Vitamin E, Jasmine Wax, White Bee Wax
Essential Oil: Sweet Orange / Lavender

Rich in Vitamin E, Help for Repair chapped and improve dry lips, highly moisture and soften your lips. For External Use Only

3) 玫瑰果抗皺護唇膏 Rosehip Natural Lip Balm

成分: 精製乳油木果脂, 玫瑰果油, 妝品級澳洲堅果油, 黃金荷荷芭油, Vitamin E, 特級白蜜臘,玫瑰花臘,玫瑰天竺葵 / 洋甘菊精油

功效: 含豐富的亞油酸及次亞麻油酸,可加速修護乾裂的唇部,並深層滋潤,回復唇部的健康潤澤。

適合群 : 適合唇部乾裂階層, 以達到深層滋潤以及加速修護乾裂的唇部


Ingredient: Shea Butter, Rosehip Oil, Macadamia Oil, Golden Jojoba Oil, Vitamin E, Rose Wax, White Bee Wax
Essential Oil: Rose Geranium, Chamomile

Rich in Vitamin E, Help for Repair chapped and improve dry lips, highly moisture and soften your lips. For External Use Only

4) 大麻籽保濕護唇膏 Hempseed Natural Lip Balm

成分: 精製乳油木果脂, 大麻籽油, 妝品級甜杏仁油, 精緻椰子油, Vitamin E, 特級白蜜蠟,白玉蘭花臘,薰衣草 / 乳香精油

功效: 深層修复乾裂改善干燥嘴唇、有效舒缓唇部龟裂、干燥、脫皮等現象,使您的雙唇更加迷人。

適合群 : 適合唇部干燥、脫皮階層, 以達到防止乾燥以及損壞


Ingredient: Shea Butter, Hempseed Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Virgin Coconut Oil, Vitamin E, Yulan Magnolia Wax, White Bee Wax
Essential Oil: Lavender, Frankenstein

Rich in Vitamin E, Help for Repair chapped and improve dry lips, highly moisture and soften your lips. For External Use Only

5) 白芒花籽油修復護唇膏 Meadowfoam Repairing Natural Lip Balm

成分: 初壓可可脂, 精緻白芒花籽油, 妝品級甜杏仁油, 精緻椰子油, Vitamin E, 特級白蜜蠟,白玉蘭花臘,薰衣草 / 洋甘菊精油

功效: 修复乾裂改善干燥嘴唇、脫皮的唇部傷害,質地滋潤,能帶給雙唇柔軟豐潤的舒適感。內含可可脂在唇部形成一層薄薄保護膜,使唇部肌膚健康柔嫩。與白芒花籽油裡面含大量維生素E,生育酚,胡蘿蔔素與植物固醇等, 抗氧化以及紫外線防護。

適合群 : 適合抗氧化以及紫外線防護階層, 以達到一層薄薄保護膜, 滋潤雙唇免受乾裂

Ingredient: Virgin Cocoa Butter, Meadowfoam Seed Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Virgin Coconut Oil, Vitamin E, Yulan Magnolia Wax, White Bee Wax
Essential Oil: Lavender, Chamomile

Rich in Vitamin E, Help for Repair chapped and improve dry lips, highly moisture, soften your lips, antioxidant and also with UV protection.
For External Use Only

注意事項 Things to Know



All the products in our Store are handmade, and many products are not in stock and mostly based on Made-To-Order basis. The delivery lead time is within one week after receiving full payment. Since the containers & equipment for all products needs to be UV-sterilized and the production process is a little bit time-consuming, we would like to request for your patient.

If you experience redness, swelling, or other skin allergies when using our products, please stop using the product immediately, contact our staff, and consult a dermatologist. Avoid applying the product on open wounds or inflamed skin to make it more sensitive. Open wounds require special herbal creams or healing oils. Avoid direct sunlight and keep out of reach of babies and children.

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