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淑潔手作館 (SK Sensation Studio) 的成立是爲了讓喜愛手作的您在可以自己動手為自己製作一些天然無毒的手工皂, 保養品, 彩妝, 清潔用品等; 也可以讓對芳療有興趣的人更加深入的了解與認識芳香療法。本館是由 CFA (Canadian Federation of Aromatherapist) 國際認證芳療師成立。館主是一個擁有 5 張國際芳療證照的芳療師 (加拿大 CFA / 英國 IFA / 美國 NAHA / 英國 FHT / 韓國 ICAD 寵物芳療) + 1 張芳療洞悉卡諮詢師認證 (澳洲 AAA) 以及擁有多年手工皂經驗的導師, 擅長於渲染皂。


A natural approach to better health

If you wish to make yourself more pretty and to protect your skin with natural skincare products, you may not want to use the skincare product in the market in which manufacturer just add some synthetic preservatives, petrochemical, alcohol and so on in order to extend the shelf life of the products.

SK Sensation Studio was established in order to let you have the opportunity to have some natural non-toxic handmade soap, skin care products, make-up, cleaning supplies, etc; we also introduce the natural aromatherapy to those who are Interested to know more about aromatherapy. The owner of this studio is an International Certified Aromatherapist with 4 international aroma certificates (Canadian Federation of Aromatherapist - CFA / International Federation of Aromatherapists - IFA / National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy - NAHA / Federation of Holistic Therapists - FHT / Korean ICAD Pet's Aromatherapy) + 1 Australian Aromatherapist Association - AAA Insight Cards Certification and with many years of experienced in handmade soap, specializing in swirling techniques.

The purpose of this studio is to cultivate more international standards of aromatherapists, educate the public the right way to use the essential oils, promote aromatherapy products, skin care products, essential oils and related workshops!